Rent Fashion

Is Circular Fashion the Future of Fashion?

Fashion has the ability to tell compelling stories and the potential to prompt reflection. With the growing movement to tackle the climate crisis, the fashion industry needs to lead the way by leveraging its inherent prowess. The very definition of fashion is evolving in these tumultuous times, prompting us to ponder: What sort of fashion will be essential in the future? 

While there are a lot of things that come to mind when speculating the future of fashion, it all leads back to a bigger problem: mass production leading to overconsumption and changing trends leading to quick disposal of existing clothes. This behaviour, fuelled by the linear take-make-waste model, has become so ingrained in us.

The inherent unsustainability of this model is leading to the growth of circular fashion models. What is circular fashion? “Think of it as the never-ending journey of a fashion item that starts at the beginning and goes on (and on) in various forms to expand its lifecycle. Sartorial reincarnation, if you will.” (source:

Circular fashion is a model where the end of the life of an item is as important as the manufacturing of the item itself. Brands need to take the responsibility to intentionally design items that can withstand prolonged use, can be reused and repaired, and are recyclable and biodegradable. On the other hand, customers need to be educated on caring for their items and about the options available to them at the end of the lifetime of their items or when they simply no longer find personal need for their owned items.

If you’re looking to make a switch, here are some simple things you could do to start breaking the cycle of fast fashion:

  • Buy less, but buy better.
  • Support local brands that are transparent about their supply chain.
  • Take good care of your clothes.
  • Always ask yourself, “What are the alternatives?” before you’re choosing to buy or dispose a garment.
  • If you find yourself wearing your clothes very occasionally or seeking to wear something new when you step out, consider renting your clothes.

Although the world is a long way away from moving to a completely circular model in fashion, a change can only come if customers and brands alike increase consciousness and start getting curious about alternatives.

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